Thursday, June 20, 2013

New Look Laser Tattoo Removal

Tattoos are very popular among the youth of the United States. At this age we do not always think twice about our decisions, and our overall perspective and appearance changes from this time to the time that we are mature adults. I got my first tattoo at the age of 18 to symbolize the uniqueness in my last name, and to represent the meaning of the names of my two nieces. I see most tattoos as a form of art and the body as its canvas. I believe it reveals the talent of the tattoo artist, and creativity in the person who gets it as well. Others however, may not have the same purpose as I did. For instance, there are those who get them just for fun, as a mistake, or are not aware of what a proper and clean tattoo really is or where to obtain it.
Consequently, the job fields require that tattoos not be visible, in order to display the proper appearance one should have to look professional. Additionally, tattoos are typically negatively stereotyped in our society. As a criminal justice major, I have read that those associated with tattoos can paint a negative image of the individual. Thus, I believe that laser tattoo removal is a beneficial medical advancement that gives opportunity to those who did not take into consideration their choices as young adults. I feel it will give hope to those who may feel that their mistakes in the past carry with them in their adult lives. It allows individuals to take back what once was permanent that they may have felt would label them for the rest of their lives. A scientific procedure is done by professionals who understand the nature of each tattoo, the skin it is inked on, and the tools necessary for the process.
Overall, the laser tattoo removal, which in photos demonstrates it can possibly completely rid the tattoos, can give hope to those who feel their appearance may not suit the demand of the professional society. It is a chance to make a change that would help them better their lives. Since many people “live in the moment” their tattoos may reflect this perspective, and individuals do not consider whether their tattoo will reveal their lifestyle in the future. I feel this procedure does not necessarily take away the person’s creativity, but it gives an educating opportunity to consider important factors that come with getting a tattoo.